Tag: ayush2015blog

That friend I never thought would be!

That friend I never thought would be!

You are one of those very few who I shall cherish all of my life! In my low, you made me smile, totally unaware of what all was going on in my life. The trust that I had lost long enough, you reinstated that feeling in me! From being totally aloof, from being completely emotionless … Continue reading That friend I never thought would be!

The tighter you hold…

The tighter you hold…

Every single relationship of our lives can be allured to a thread tied round our wrists. The more tightly it is tied, the sooner we get pissed of and want to get rid of it right away. The more loose it is, you sometimes lose it, unknowingly. So are our relationships, don't hold too tightly … Continue reading The tighter you hold…